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New Metrology Laboratory

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J K Metrology, formerly of Liskeard, Cornwall and recently acquired by the William Hughes Group, is one of the UK’s top Metrology Laboratories and quality consultancies.

To welcome J K Metrology, along with its founder John Kelly, William Hughes has installed a brand new laboratory at its headquarters in Stalbridge, Dorset. The laboratory is fully equipped with a Hilger & Watts interferometer for the calibration of gauge blocks by Interferometry while the calibration of gauge blocks by comparison uses a Tesa comparator. Length bars and long slip gauges are calibrated using a SIP 1 metre measuring machine retro fitted with a laser interferometer. The calibration of surface tables requires a Talyvel and a Variation Gauge while optical flats and parallels are calibrated using a Zygo interferometer.

Mr Kelly and his young team are able to offer metrology and quality consultancy for ISO 17027, ISO 9000 etc. in addition to a UKAS calibration service to ISP 17025.

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