Cookieless hit trackers


Objectives of the GTMA

  1. The objectives for which the Association is established are to do any or all of the following things to the extent allowable by law and to observe and comply with such laws as may be applicable in the pursuit of such objectives:
  2. To promote cooperation and coordination between those engaged in the Industry.
  3. To cooperate with other trade associations, both in the United Kingdom and overseas, having similar or corresponding interests and objectives.
  4. To protect and further the interests of the Industry and promote the welfare of its members generally.
  5. To make representations to Government departments and authorities, whether international, national or local, on matters affecting members on any of these.
  6. To provide or engage in activities of the foregoing objectives.
  7. To do any and all things as are in the opinion of the Association incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all of the above objectives.

Membership criteria

“Full Member” means a Member being a manufacturer, contractor, distributor, or importer which shall include a wholly owned subsidiary of a foreign company provided that such company has an investment in buildings and plants in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. It also means a Member being a supplier to manufacturers.

“Associate Member” means a member who supplies services to or works with a Full Member by way of example and without limitation being industry journals, technology centres and consultants.

Any person desiring to be admitted as a Member must satisfy the criteria for being either a Full Member or an Associate Member as contained within the definitions of the Articles of Association.  

In addition, the Board before admitting any person as a Member of the Association shall satisfy itself that the person is of good character and repute and a fit and proper person to be admitted to membership.

The Board may grant or refuse application for membership however the Board operates an open and transparent application assessment process, and an application appeals procedure exists for use by the applicant or person representing the applicant.

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© 2025 Gauge and Tool Makers Association Registered in England, no. 00375508
Manufacturing Resource Centre, Adams Way, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6PU