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Vero top the CAM vendor charts report CIMData

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The 2014 NC Software Market Analysis Report from leading US analysts CIMdata confirms Vero’s position as the world’s number 1 CAM focussed software business. The report details how Vero has more than double the number of installed software licenses than any other software vendor which represents more than 20% of market share.


Fig 1 : Market Share of NC Providers Based on Industrial Seats Installed (source : CIMData)


In addition, CIMdata found that Vero was again able to increase its market share in terms of direct revenue. The company’s share of vendor direct revenues grew to more than $110 million, representing a market share in excess of 10%, with further growth predicted for 2014.


Fig 2 : Market Share of the Largest NC Providers by Direct Revenue (source : CIMData)



Finally, with a growth rate of 49.3%, the CIMdata report also confirmed that Vero Software is the fastest growing company out of all top 25 ranking companies named in the NC Market report.

Fig 3 : Companies with Largest Percentage Revenue Growth, 2012 to 2013 (source : CIMData)









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