Blue Light Scanning
Third Dimension
- AvonWe manufacture hand-held and automated non-contact precision feature measurement tools. Third Dimension’s laser profile measurement systems, GapGun® (hand-held) and Vectro® (automated), are the smartest way to precisely inspect turbine blades,…
Manchester Metrology
- Greater ManchesterManchester Metrology Ltd is a north west based company specialising in the measurement of engineered components manufactured to fine tolerances. Attention to detail and a helpful attitude towards customers are among…
3D Metrology Solutions Ltd
- DenbighshireIndustry Leading Metrology Solutions providers The core metrology team consists of our sales and management team along with our experienced metrology engineers, between us we have over 50 years experience…
Central Scanning
- WorcestershireCentral Scanning Ltd was formed in 2006, when Director Nick Godfrey spotted a gap in the market for a UK company that provided 3D Scanning. From tooth-sized objects to complete…
The 3D Measurement Company Ltd
- ShropshireWith over 30 years combined experience The 3D Measurement Company are a UK leading supplier of 3D engineering solutions. Always handheld. Always portable.From 3D laser scanning to optical CMM, our…
DaceCrown Ltd
- West MidlandsAbout Dacecrown Taking over on October 1st 2023 Jake and Tom looking to embark on an exciting story together to build on the already founded success of Dacecrown, taking in traditional…