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Looking to buy or sell an Engineering or Manufacturing business?  Stirling is  a trusted broker offering business owners free information, help and advice on buying or selling a business and specialises in business valuations for engineering or manufacturing Companies.  Request our FREE Guide to selling a business and a FREE Guide to buying a business which could save you a small fortune!  Your business valuations report will be independent which means that you will receive a realistic value for your business with no false hopes or promises.

If you are selling a business, we actually guarantee six potential buyers within three months (subject to terms) so providing guaranteed results.  We have a huge data base of business owners, investors and potential buyers which is constantly being added to, which normally means you get immediate responses for an engineering or manufacturing business for sale; you do not have to wait for months on end for enquiries from prospective buyers..

For your FREE, no obligation appraisal meeting, please call us on 0121-314 5575 or contact us

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    Manufacturing Resource Centre, Adams Way, Alcester, Warwickshire, B49 6PU